St. John Chrysostom Church is a member of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America [TEC]. Learn more!
Visit the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.
The people of St. John’s are called to follow God in Christ through love, worship, and service in a nurturing, open, and affirming community where all are welcome. We promote lifelong spiritual growth and education through our church and Episcopal School. We serve those in need by sharing our abundance. In faith and our tradition of common prayer, we gather to celebrate and thank our loving God.

Our Statement of Faith

Our service, based on the practice of the early church, is drawn from The Book of Common Prayer and other sources approved for our use by the Episcopal Church USA. Please enjoy the drama of our worship, watch to see what others do, and follow this service bulletin, which contains all the information you will need. Sing the hymns, pray the prayers, and join us in celebrating God’s love for us all.
Inspired by Christ and empowered by the Spirit, the people of St. John’s: Love God Love our Neighbors… ALL of them Gather and grow together as a spiritual, educational, and inclusive community Rely on scripture, embrace tradition, and practice prayerful reflection Exercise responsible stewardship of God’s gifts and resources We are blessed that you have come to worship with us today. If this is your first visit and you want to learn more about St. John's and The Episcopal Church, Father Jerry Sather, our Interim Priest-in-Charge, is eager to take you for coffee and learn more about your journeys of life and faith. Father Jerry can be reached at 949.888.4568 or jsather@stjohns-es.org.
We are thriving as a grateful, open and affirming community of worship and learning; where love and welcome move us toward God’s reign by emulating Christ so hunger, isolation, and fear are no more.
On Sunday mornings, our nursery is staffed beginning at 8 a.m. through the end of the 10 a.m. service. Children under the age of three are welcome in the nursery during the church services. We offer a quiet room near the main entrance to the sanctuary in addition to the nursery.
On Sundays after church, please join us for coffee on the Learning Commons Courtyard downstairs. An usher will direct you, if needed. If you enjoy your time with us, consider coming back and asking about our ministries in the areas of worship and music, prayer, community outreach, women’s and men’s spirituality, communications, and Christian education. You may also be interested in St. John’s School, which serves 500 children from early childhood through the 8th grade. You’ll find information about our ministries, plus contact information for our church and school staff, on the back of the bulletin.
People often ask us about our church’s namesake. Bishop John Chrysostom of Constantinople was a legendary preacher and reformer. He died in 407 A.D.
May God richly bless you, this day and forever.

All God’s people are welcome at God’s table. To receive communion, accept the consecrated bread (the host) in the palm of your hand and then consume it. To receive the consecrated wine (chalice), take the cup and guide the chalice to your lips. For intinction (dipping the host into the wine), leave the host in your palm for the minister to complete the intinction. Please let an usher know if you cannot come to the altar rail, the ministers will gladly bring communion to you in your pew. Wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are invited to come to the Lord’s table. If you wish to receive only a blessing, cross your arms over your chest and accept a blessing from the priest.