If you have been paying attention to our First Readings at Holy Eucharist, you will notice that all the texts have been relating the history of God’s saving works among the people. This is true every Lent as each Sunday has an important focus:
Human Origins:
Genesis 9 – God’s covenant with Noah and all flesh in deliverance from the flood.
Abraham & Patriarchs:
Genesis 17 – God promises to establish a kingdom of priests through Abraham and Sarah.
Moses & Israelites:
Exodus 20 – God establishes the covenant of the law.
The people of Israel:
Numbers 21 – when the people sin they are bitten by venomous serpents; God establishes a way for them to be healed, prefiguring Christ.
The Prophets:
Jeremiah 31:31-34 – God promises a new covenant by putting the Spirit within the people, prefiguring the promise of Pentecost.
All these stories, and more, prepare us for the greatest story ever told – the story of Jesus. As we enter the last two weeks of weeks of Lent, Passion tide, may our hearts be stirred to listen carefully to the sacrifice of Christ and give glory to God.