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Exercising Our Discipleship

Writer's picture: St. John's Episcopal ChurchSt. John's Episcopal Church

This week we hear the story of Jesus’ calling of the first disciples:

As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea—for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” (Mark 1:16-17).

We are not living along the Sea of Galilee and few of us are employed as fishermen. So, what does this call to be disciples mean for us today?

First, the basic meaning of disciple is a pupil or learner.

For us, we need to continually grow in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1:10). How do we learn the ways of God? Worship, of course, must take first place since prayer leads to faith which in turn leads to life. However, there are other ways to learn. Our Adult Forum provides a place of lively discussion, and many attend our women’s groups or book club. For the truly brave there is Education for Ministry and then there are unique events like Cursillo.

Second, disciples are more than learners, they are also ministers.

The first disciples were called to “fish for people” through ministries like teaching and healing. As modern-day disciples, we too are called to service. There are so many ways you can serve in God’s economy – altar guild, grushers, helpers in church admin, workers at the food pantry, teachers, and many more. One area I want to revitalize is our Lay Eucharistic Visitors who take communion to those who are not able to be present at worship. Moreover, our diocese has an exciting lay training program through Bloy House. See Linda Allport if you would like to learn more about the Bloy House training. All of us need to follow Jesus into service, for the “Son of Man came not to be served but to serve” (Mark 10:45).

Finally, discipleship is for everyone.

It is not confined to super-saints; it is for all of us. Here are three simple ways to exercise your discipleship.

  1. Pray – for the world, the church, and one another; just do it!

  2. Contribute financially to the ministry of the church. To those of you who have given a pledge, thank you! If you have not yet done so, you still can! Please reach out to our office if you would like to make a pledge.

  3. Participate in the important decision-making event of our church, the annual meeting on Sunday, 4 February. We will receive reports from our lay and clergy leaders, elect representatives, accept the budget, and learn about the way forward for our vicar search process. This is an opportunity to exercise the discipleship task of holy convocation. Plan now to join us!

I pray God will lead you into a full life of discipleship – as learners, ministers, and contributors. Jesus calls, will you follow?

Grace and peace,



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