Clean and Test Your Furnace
Did you know that your furnace needs regular cleaning? Throughout the year, it collects lots of dust and debris, both of which can affect the furnace’s efficiency and could even cause a fire. Clean out or replace your furnace filter regularly and consider getting your furnace serviced by a professional before the cold weather calls.
Use Clean Candles
We all love the coziness that candles provide during the cooler months, but did you know that most candles on the market are made from paraffin wax, a product of petroleum refining? A more environmentally friendly choice are candles made from beeswax — even better if you can find them at a local market or craft fair to avoid the carbon costs of shipping. Be sure to do your research before you stock up on products that make you feel cozy during the fall and winter.
Do Some Yard Work
If you have a yard, spend some time getting it ready for the winter. Scoop up any fallen leaves and use them in the garden as mulch to protect plants throughout the winter — or add them to your compost pile. Fall is the time to plant spring bulbs and some perennials. And you can also plant many types of trees and shrubs in the fall, which will give them enough time to develop a deep root system over the winter months and reduce their water needs come spring.