Light up your nights with eco-friendly options. Our climate crisis means rethinking some traditions like wood burning. It just isn’t climate friendly because of the carbon pollution it emits. LED lanterns are a great green camping choice.
Pack reusable dishes for your cookouts. It’s a good idea to have a set of camping dishes as well as a washbasin and biodegradable soap for cleaning up. Wash dishes at least 100 feet from streams, ponds, and other bodies of water.
Take a break from your beauty routine. Personal care and beauty products can be pretty toxic to the environment. Also keep in mind that if your only bathing option is a natural body of water, it’s best to leave all soap and products behind. Cover exposed skin with UPF clothing and hats to avoid impacts of sunscreen.
Always leave your campsite better than you found it. Any scout will tell you that this is the golden rule of camping! Keep a reusable bag with you throughout your trip to pick up any trash or debris you find along the way. Recycle what you can and properly dispose of the rest.