Holy Week Services at St. John's |
As we prepare to enter Holy Week, we invite you to join us in worship at St. John’s Church.
Maundy Thursday Prayer Vigil, Signup |
The practice of keeping watch with our Lord can be traced to Christ’s appeal to His disciples in Gethsemane on the eve of the crucifixion. By keeping an hour of vigil with the Blessed Sacrament, we can answer Jesus with an emphatic “yes”, knowing that we are in the presence of the same Jesus, now veiled in the form of bread and wine, as were the disciples who witnessed His resurrection. The vigil begins Thursday, March 28 after the Maundy Thursday service, and continues through noon on Good Friday. Sign-up online here. There are spots for multiple participants in each hour. Our goal is to have each hour covered. During the overnight hours, we would like to have more than one person, and preferably at least one male during those hours. Instruction sheets and meditation resources will be provided. This is a very sacred and special time that is meaningful for all who participate, and is a beloved and long standing tradition at St. John’s for Holy Week. If you have questions or need help signing up, contact Linda Allport at 949.981.3404 or lsallport@cox.net |
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