Sunday’s coming and it is time to get ready for a wonderful day with our God! First, set your clocks back one hour on Saturday night because Daylight Savings Time comes to end. That way, you will be able to sing with the old children’s song, “Rise and shine, and give God the glory, glory.” If you forget, you will be early for church, but that’s a good thing! Whatever time you arrive at church this week, please check out the St John’s Timeline near the entrance. Part of our Story Day program, this timeline includes key events in the history of our church and world. We invite you to take a moment to write notable events on the timeline such as baptisms, weddings, etc. When did your life intersect with St. John’s Church and School?
Remember no 8:00 service this week, but please consider joining us for the Adult Forum at 8:45 in the Learning Commons (the library downstairs). Steve Green will be leading us through the history of church music, and I will share fun facts about hymnals. The All Saints’ service of Holy Eucharist begins at 10:00 as we commemorate all the saints of God’s church, known and unknown. Take a moment before or after service to remember the saints who have died at the Dia de los Muertos Ofrenda display in the columbarium. We thank Patti Peebles and her students for preparing this display. This Sunday is one of the four days recommended for baptisms in our church and we will welcome Logan and Riley Cook into the household of faith. It is also an opportunity for all of us to renew our baptisms as part of the communion of saints. Following our worship, we invite you to join us downstairs on the patio for a light lunch. We will then gather in the Learning Commons for our Story Day. The Rev. Canon Tom Quijada-Discavage will lead our discussion as we explore the history of St John’s and what it means for our future. It is a full day, but you get an extra hour of sleep. I hope you join us as we celebrate with the saints. Together, let us tell the wondrous story of Jesus and his love. Jerry+
The annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles will take place November 10-11 at the Riverside Convention Center. Father Jerry and your delegates will be participating. Please pray as we make important decisions for the advancement of God’s kingdom. Next Sunday, Nov. 12 we will honor all Veterans. Our annual Thanksgiving service will take place on Wednesday, Nov 22, 6:00 p.m. Our school children will be singing at this service.
Adult Forum This Sunday

This week, Fr. Jerry and Steve Green will begin a two week overview of Christian Music from Gregorian Chants to Contemporary Rap. Please join us in the Learning Commons at 8:45 am for coffee, fellowship and a wonderful learning experience. In the coming weeks, our Adult Forum topics will include the following:
November 12—Fr. Jerry and Steve Green—Church Music from Gregorian Chants to Rap
November 19—Pam Kelley and Rick Anderson—How to have a Civil Conversation in Contentious Times
November 26—Fr. Jerry—Digging Deeper—There’s More
December 3---Linda Allport—Advent
December 10—Linda Allport—Advent
December 17—Linda Allport--Advent
January 7—Mike DeVries—The Old Testament Reconsidered
January 14—Mike DeVries—The Old Testament Reconsidered
January 21—Mike DeVries—The Old Testament Reconsidered
Thanksgiving Food Drive - We are close to our goal!

If you’re in worship tomorrow you will see all the bags ready for families in need. Teachers and staff packed almost 100 bags this week, but we still need your help to reach out goal of 200 bags. There are two weeks left to bring in donations. If every family can bring ONE PACKED BAG we will reach our goal!
Interfaith “Let Us Sing Thanksgiving”
Sunday, Nov. 12, from 4:00-5:30 pm, the Interfaith "Let Us Sing Thanksgiving" program will be at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 30522 Via Con Dios, Rancho Santa Margarita (refreshments provided). Groups from the area, including St. John’s choir students, will offer a wonderful presentation of peace, gratitude, and harmony through music!
Everything You Need For This Weekend’s Service
Childcare is available in the nursery during the 10 a.m. Service
Join us downstairs in the Learning Commons Patio after the service for fellowship, coffee, tea, and treats.